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Company philosophy

People and the environment are the focus of our technical services. We don't simply sell our services – we sell speed, customer service, quality, professionalism and our ability to work whenever and wherever our customers need us.

These aspects are crucial to our company's success and have been a priority for us right from the start. Protecting people and safeguarding them against harmful influences, as well as meeting all relevant legal, official and internal customer requirements, are critical factors in our work. By providing our staff with training, further education and motivation, we promote and support safety- and environmentally-conscious behaviour.

Knowledge is not static – it is continuously evolving. We need imagination, courage and a bit of nerve... The only way we can progress is by learning. The winner of a race is almost always decided by their mindset. Global competition for customers' business is no different. Only a company that can safely rely on staff with the right expertise will be able to set the pace in future.

Only the brave break rules. But turning the mindset of an entire group upside down – that takes courage – and a little recklessness. That's what we want to do. Our management team wants to go a little "crazy" – without letting their responsibility for the company get in the way of new ideas. We believe that it is our duty to create an exciting, enthusiastic working environment for our partners, customers, suppliers and staff. Everyone should enjoy this – after all, a good mood creates positive energy.

Success is what we get out of bed for in the morning and what we strive to achieve. To do this, we need to embrace risks, opportunities and even the things that scare us a little. We want to amaze and excite people again and again. And once someone has experienced this, they want to join in – they want to be there the next time something extraordinary happens. That's the attraction.

Expertise creates trust!

Ulrich Berndt